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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it a painless facial treatment
    Facials are often used to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and other skin concerns. It is a gentle treatment that does not require any downtime or recovery period.
  • When should I expect results
    You will see results after your first facial! It’s not a quick fix and your skin issues won’t disappear overnight, but there will be a visible result. Expect an immediate increase in hydration, which will lend a dewy glow to your whole appearance.
  • What to do before a spa facial
    You should cleanse your skin and remove any makeup or product buildup before your appointment. You want to give your esthetician a clear view of your skin and avoid any interference with the facial products.
  • How often should I get a facial
    Generally, facials are recommended once a month. However, we can discuss your specific needs, desired outcomes and schedule together.
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